Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Family converging from far and wide...

This weekend will be my Nana's "Celebration of Life." I rather like that phrase, as it represents her passing in a more positive light, as it should. She had a long and glorious life, and we SHOULD celebrate it.

For this momentous occasion, my very large extended family is all converging upon my small hometown. Since I live here, I am fortunate that this event will not require lengthy travel of my immediate family. My boys will still be able to participate in their normal football games at the end of this week. I'm glad that we're not going to have to make any big decisions about which commitment takes precedence, as we have stressed to the boys for years that being part of a team means that you are THERE for your team, and that could have been difficult.

In any case, my sisters will both be in town this weekend. One is driving a good distance, and the other flying a great distance with husband and sons. My many cousins are coming from far and wide--many of whom I don't see much--and I'm looking forward to having them here. We are quite a large crowd, in one place at one time, and it's always great fun. It brings back memories of big holiday celebrations from years' past with all the noise and ruckus we could muster. Nana's passing is turning into a great family reunion, and despite the fact that I feel a little conflicted that her death will be a party of sorts, I think she would have liked it this way. There will be laughter, children running everywhere, and lots of food. Yes.......Nana would have wanted it this way.

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